My Random Thoughts and Experiences

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Language Please

This is quite sensitive for me cos. i have also fallen victim by this. I grew up in a society that believed that if i spoke my native language, it was bad and it would spoil my English. Well being grown now and more learned, ...that was all cock and bull , only a continuous means of colonization on everyone. Why does something that makes us who we are, have to have a bad connotation. Why is it that if i spoke in my native language Yoruba, people view me that i cant speak English or i am an illiterate. Believe me, the best known Yoruba scholars i know ..have a great command of English. But why do the majority feel that way. When i was in Secondary school, we hardly spoke Yoruba and if you were spoken too,we answered in English thinking that it was cool not to be able to speak the language. Now i think that was just bizzare. However, i still see so many people just want to deny there real identity and become something else. I guess they rather speak like ghetto peeps from the west ( america to be precise) than speak like the kings and queens they are with their mother tongue.

I always wonder why the whole world says motherland but Nigeria says fatherland. I guess it goes back to the fact that we are so much of a patriliineal society. How can i change that.. How can i change the fact that some men are just so chavinistic and stupid and women dont even help matters. anyway i guess i derailed from my language topic but i could not help just airing my disdain for naija supression of women. to be contd....

Also another issue i have is with people who come to this country America and change their names to better suit the so called americans. My aunt always says if one can pronunce Schwarzenegger why not a yoruba name.In my school we had these group of taiwanese people who came here to study and all changed their names.One was ysin Hu and we called her Kate, one kept changing her name every week from julie, to jessica to what have you. I even hear naija people changing their last name or shortening it . This is ridiculous.If you are important believe me people would pronunce your name however it is and whatever mouth and tongue manipulations you need to do. Do Americans go to china and change their name to Lee or chan? Hells NO!!!. Ive even seen when naija people only name their kids with so called american /english names such as Brian, Sean etc and no Nigerian name. I mean where is the heritage. Am i that ethnocentric that i think its a problem? Or i should just let people do what they want to do. I guess thats why I am not GOd unless......................................................


nana yaa bartels said...

hahahaha about Kate changing her name...i know i hate that too... i have to learn how to say Aurizanda and Leah and all that jazz...learn how to say Essilfua!

Anonymous said...

See this is where I have issues with you (and my brother in law lol) for one thing, Americans do not pronounce "Schwarzenegger" the way his native language would pronounce it, what you hear is the Americanized version of the name.

I know for a fact, I do not pronounce every spanish, chinese, japanese and even some English names properly so why must I make someone pronounce mine when it is completely foreign to them. Heck I can't even pronounce some Hausa or Igbo names correctly and I'm Nigerian. I just think it creates some level of hostility if you get bent out of shape with someone you just met over pronounciation of your name. Give them slack and time.

My problem is with Nigerians who introduce themselves to other Nigerians by the Americanized version of their "name". Now that's what gets me way bent out of shape.

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.