My Random Thoughts and Experiences

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Song Titles/subjects

I have always wondered how people choose a topic or subject matter for their songs. I guess its has a lot to do with talent in the sense that people just know what to sing about. For me , i have cracked my brain and if I was given all the money to make a hit record......i still dont know what i'd sing about. I asked a couple of my friends what they'd sing about and almost everyone established the fact that they'd sing about their mothers. I guess that means there are some damn good mothers out there, besides my mum. I think i'll drop a track or 2 about my mum and dad. When you look at songs and observe the subject matter such as,money, girls, fame, social change, poverty, the world, making money, killing, politics, bitches and ho's, tricks and baby daddys .............. i tend to wonder what goes on in the songwriters head . Here's a list of songs and corresponding subject matters.

Gongo Aso- Something good is about to happen
Iya basira- a favorite food joint
Why me- why wont this girl leave him the hell alone
cyclone- i guess the girl knows how to wind well
soulja boy - #$$%%%55&&****
Irreplaceable- I get another bobo, so get out.

I talked to a couple of my friends, and this was the list i got of songs they'd write about.

Mother - (almost everyone)
High school experience- (M)
Family- (f)
Social Issues/change (M/F)
Women and children (F)
Clothes (F)..........i guess the song "my lip gloss is popping" is not stupid afterall
Boooty Radar (M) which is my own personal fun favorite from the list.

So i ask you, if you were given the chance to write a song...... what would be the subject matter? what do you think is the most important thing you need to voice? what travels through your channels of thought? Perverted or Not ,Please comment.


littleangel4christ said...

Let's see... unity, children (underprivileged), mostly things related to social issues.
Good job!

Femi B said...

thanks,.... those are great suggestions

Chris Ogunlowo said...

Maybe something around... lost family values, the absurdity of religion, sex is overhyped (and marriage too), True love, hmmmm... and bad leadership.
