My Random Thoughts and Experiences

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Random Love Post and a naija love letter

Hey y'all its the season of love again and i felt i needed a post for the period so bear with me ...this would be my most random post ever.

True Love
Over the xmas break when my Dad was critically ill, I looked at all the roles my mum played and I said to myself..."men I have to really love my husband to do all this shit for him" I mean after 34 years...someone should have over pissed someone off to the extent of not caring about the well being of the other...for instance .. A man who's married to a wonderful wife but maltreats his wife in anyway possible by cheating, beating... all manner of abuse and does not provide for the wife, then 30 years later, the man falls critically ill, men I trust myself...well i wont blame the woman for overdosing him with some painkillers, mixing cyanide with his coffee or flat out stepping on the oxygen tube ( I joke oh). I mean she would be very much justified....I don't condone murder or but self defence is ok. So guys treat your ladies well, cos she'll be there for you when you need her the most. (you know men die well before their wives....just a thought.)

Random Love
Today i was chatting with a friend and he said " how is your vday"? the next thing that came to mind was " do you mean how is my Vagina day"? (i really don't know how that popped into my mind) Then i thought..hmmmm what if there's actually a vagina appreciation day... I wonder how that day would be celebrated. I recommend gifts for every functioning vagina....I wonder what type of gifts though.....

Exercise Love
Ok I've been attending this Yogalates (Yoga and Pilates) class for about 2 years now. I have been somewhat faithful to it (its once a week) and i've seen some improvements in my flexibility. Anyway last year the week of valentines day, the instructor introduced some new moves that required some serious pelvic/groin region manipulations. I mean she had us in some gravity defying positions ...concentrating on flexing and stretching the pelvic region. This was the first time she had introduced these new moves and I wondered if it was a coincidence or she was preparing peoples pelvic region for new and exciting positions.( hey hey it was a thought then) But now I am convinced she is preparing her students for vals day!!! she introduced the same positions today and i felt my ass was going to tear...(sorry for being too explicit but i have to really explain my agony) I guess she only introduces these pelvic moves on the week of vals day for a genuine reason.

Letters of Love
I got this email from a polish girl with a Nigerian boyfriend, she saw my naija love letters and wanted to use them. I was happy ..hey if they can create more love..more grease to the letters, so i decided to unleash another one in yoruba. OK i kinda had these few lines a while ago..actually an ex gave them to me .(not in a romantic way oh) he helped me compose them a goes

I wont be putting any accents cos matter how hard i try..they'd still be wrong so why bother... This would be for a girl from her guy..i guess lets call her Suliat from Ayetoro

Suliat Kan,
Mo feran re bi oyinbo tin feran ciga
Iwo ni olori oko mi
Kaka kin fi e si ya bomi lo
mo fe ki o mo pe mo wa leyin ree bii ifo
Dakun fenu kun mi lenu , pemiloruko kosi fami ni irugbon

cash ya larer

Oko afesan re....James

The one and only Suliat
I love you as the white man loves cigarettes
I am all yours
I'll die if I ever leave you
I want you to know that I am 100% behind you like _______ (ok i can't remember what that word means..someone pls help me out)
French Kiss me pls, call my name and pls pull my beard

Catch You Later
Your Fiance......Mr James

Random Question
Ok I was about to enter the elevator from the basement level going to the second floor. I was waiting for the elevator to arrive, when one teacher walked up to me and says "oh let me be lazy and keep you company"
SO my people..was he calling me LAZY for taking the elevator???? I mean i was going 2 flights now!!! Why would be be bringing his wahala and join


bumight said...

Femi B, you cant be posting while im studying! will be back to read. see ya, catch ya, larra!

Scarlet said...

very interesting for a random post!
I don't get the stairs thing either...if it was like 4 or 5 floors then it would make more sense!
ur blog's very interesting

Anonymous said...

Random posts from you are fun because um...they're sort of a similar to your regular posts and always full of laughs.

"men I have to really love my husband to do all this shit for him" - lol what a romantic thought!

I work on the 15th floor and I have to confess it annoys me when someone gets on the elevator going down at the second floor and there's just one flight to the main floor. I'd be ok with someone getting on at the 3rd floor though, so you're ok.

I love classes but I've never tried yogalates. Is it easier than pilates?

Anonymous said...

HA! Fun times FemiB. So like I LOVE that love letter. If I ever date a Nigerian (yoruba) man I will sure to know where to find a love letter for him.

musco said...

nice to know ur dad is fine nw!e ku itoju.

interesting read!

ablackjamesbond said...

functioning vjj? lol what is a vjj non-functional?

Oya answer!

bumight said...

lol, i need me some pilates class...for the future vagina appreciation day! lmao!

ok, i couldnt resist re-translating your love letter, so here goes:

the one and only suliat,
i love u like the white man loves cigarrettes
you are the .... (ok, hope its not what im thinking!)
instead of leaving u, i'd rather drown
i want u to know that i'm solidly behind you
please kiss me and disrespect me!

cash ya, larer (lol)
your fiancee...James

clnmike said...

Vagina Day.......hmmmm.....thats not a bad idea at all, yes I like it.
What month and day would this be on?

m1ke said...

I really wonder if the Old type of love really exists anymore. Some women mureder their spouse because of love vacuum. Chimamanda's 'Purple Hibiscus' elaborates this fact to an extent. Your Yoga na real wa. But do stretch too much o!

For me VALs day is just a normal day. Vday!.... no comment

olusimeon said...

he/she didn't mean to attack only that from his/her point of would be lazy for h/h to not use the stairs..

Geebee said...

Sis, you still got the flava no doubt. The V-day thing was crazy. How could you imagine that? I feel you on the elevator thing. I work on the 18th floor of a building and you can imagine having to climb all that distance. The few times I did it, I felt like I was gonna just die.

You've been TAGGED on my blog. Check it out.



Vagina day?

yoga positions?

You are too funny!

Emeka Amakeze said...

Your teacher simply called you a lazy baboon. Ok, he didn't say baboon but that was what he insinuated. Happy Val's Day.

Buttercup said...

i remember admiring my mum also when she was tending to my dad after his accident..

lol @ the yogalates thing..hehe nawa o..

lolllllllllllllllllll @ the card!

happy valentine's day femibolognese! :D

Trish said...

COOL! Love this post! :) Happy Valentines day to you, girl. :)

ChiefO said...

happy valleys day. did u get my omolanke of flowers? i hope u did.

ifo is Eczema,

Avartsy said...

lmao @ cash ya larer....too funny and why oh why did she have to be Suliat from

ChiefO said...

yeah, hediot of that shesher. maibe they've been talking about u behind ur front.

Femi B said...

thanks fo stopping by....2 floors is far enuff now

yoga lates is a combination of both so its 50 % easier but twice as hard..if you understand

thanks oh, just know that i would have to be referenced when youre with your yoruba boo ok

thanks men

a blackjames bond
A non- functioning vagina....well if we can first establish the functions of a vagina, then we can postulate that the vaginas that are not performing some certain functions would be considered non- functioning abi.... and you don't have to worry or do you have a vagina ?? so don't worry about non functioning or malfunctions

thanks for the translation and i know what you r thinking thats what i thought too (great minds think alike) but this one here is oko = farm ....ok and why do oyu want your vagina punished on vagina appreciation day...yogalets punishes it well its a good exercise for that area

How about my birthday, that'll work ...summer would just be about to begin

now i have to go read that book, a woman mudering becos of love vacuum...awesome..i kid oh

Then he should have just kept shut...ahah why now bring your laziness to join my hardwork

thats the wonders of my brain oh...thanks for tagging, i think this\s is my first tagg or my first tagg im going to respond too

Abi why not...

HA...did oyu just use style to call me a baboon...haba wait till i catch you you go no sey baboon no be monkey

FEMIBOLO WETIN?? na me be sandwich??

omolanke what? flowers where?? i no get nothing oh....abi whats omolanke? adn yes that teacher is an idiot....haba

gbogbo bigz gez men...yes oh she just had to be suliat kan ayetoro kan

Unknown said...


Please keep that thought "You know men die well before their wives" to yourself o! Let God decide that. Lol!

Hmmm...just that it won't be a monologue but a dialogue...

And that Yoga and Pilate thing, is there a male version? Lol!

And for your seemingly smart teacher you should have just replied, "Thank for the SHARED compliments"... Hope nothing happens after that.

Hope you are good?

Confessions of a London gal said...

Everybody don watch Jeniffa o! I couldnt stop laughing with dis ur love letter!